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calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors

calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors

il y a 17 ans

First of all i hope your English is good enough to understand my question because my french is oral. So i am trying to calculate what size wood beams i need for a floor. it would be for a light load (150kg/m2) with a chipboard covering. When i asked the people that sell wood i get different answers. This is the plan i made:

It would be really cool if somebody could give me the information i need to calculate all of this.

24 réponses

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1. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans


you will need 100mm*260mm for the beams that are 5m long. You will put them with 50cm between each axis

for the two others, you will need 120mm*310mm



2. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

thank you remy its really cool to have an objective point of view. When the opinions come from the people that sell its hard to be sure. p.s. how do you work out the forces, what are the formulas?

3. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

thats not so simple, i have a specific software for some carpentry calculations.

with it, calculating a floor is done in less than 1 minute....

there are a lot of parameters for wood calculations, that's why there are no ready to use formulas. And be carefull with the people that gives formulas on the net.

above all, some very experimented old people can just give you the right dimensions because it's an habit and they are generally not bad


4. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

you can answer in french if it is easyer.

5. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

experimented old people don't always give the right dimensions. the dimensions were worked out by an old man.

6. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

i don't have often the chance of speaking english, less often to write it...

it's a pleasure for me


7. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

the pleasure is mine. a simple answer to a complicated question that's cool !!!! can i just stack up the beams as in my drawing using metal plates and screws or is there a better way to fix all that together?

8. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

the best way for you is to use "sabots" ( don't know the word in english ) from simpson strong tie company. Thats a piece of metal folded that you can screw on a piece of wood and inside you can put another one but crossed....


9. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

Are the sabot expensive?
and is this about right?

10. calcule of wood beams for free-standing floors il y a 17 ans

Is there any way i could do the same thing with less wood. it's not my money that i am spending but an "assosiation". could i put more feet (vertical beams) or more 7m beams etc? do you have any good ideas?

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